The novella ends with Laura reminiscing about Carmilla, and saying that she sometimes fancies that she hears Carmilla’s footsteps at her door. CARMILLA by Joseph Sheridan Le FanuABOUT THE BOOK:Carmilla is a Gothic novella by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu and one of the early works of vampire fiction, pred. The Baron discovers the location of Carmilla’s tomb and the vampire Carmilla is destroyed. The General is on a mission to revenge her death, and to that end he recruits Baron Vordenburg, an expert on vampires, to help him. Bertha’s story is exactly like Laura’s: she was infatuated with a young woman who was a guest and began to have disturbing dreams. On the way, they meet the General, who tells them the story of Bertha’s death. Laura’s father takes her on a trip to the village of Karnstein, in search of a priest. A doctor is sent for and is very concerned for Laura’s health. Laura’s father decides that Carmilla has sleepwalked and somehow found a way outside of her locked room. Laura finds Carmilla’s room locked up, but Carmilla is not inside it.

Laura wakes one night from a terrible nightmare to find Carmilla at her bedside, but Carmilla escapes the room. Laura then develops a strange, languorous illness that lasts months. One night, Laura dreams that a large black cat pounces on her in her sleep and bites her breast.

Laura and Carmilla spend most of their time together, and their intimacy grows. Soon after Carmilla’s arrival at the castle, local peasant girls are found dead, and a rumor starts that there is a vampire prowling the area. Laura is excited to have Carmilla as a visitor, and the two of them are soon infatuated with each other. Later that day, a carriage carrying Carmilla and her mother crashes near Laura’s castle and the mother convinces Laura’s father to look after Carmilla for a few months while she attends to important business.